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ETR Europe - The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles Place 199 - Charles aka "Ushabti" from FGrandfontaine

Charles made following placements at T9A-tournaments in Europe...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
26Inter-Régions 2023 - TeamF41200 RomorantinInfernal Dwarves2023-10-083488542.19%+0%20.1024%4.82
3Stone Age 3 - TeamF63360 GerzatInfernal Dwarves2022-09-18808017.8%+2%12.8422%2.82
5Liche Academy 2021F67230 WesthouseInfernal Dwarves2021-09-12244810.01%+0%3.9720%0.79
16BELLUM LACUM V 2022 - TeamF74140 DouvaineInfernal Dwarves2022-01-30888213.35%+0%3.2118%0.58
2Le NIP : Hommage à Soldat Louis!F54510 TomblaineInfernal Dwarves2021-11-13143410.01%+0%3.1416%0.50
More tournaments:
19Bellum Lacum IV - TeamF74140 DouvaineInfernal Dwarves2020-01-2696843.17%+0%0.60--
2Mootland Team Championship - TeamF69700 GivorsUndying Dynasties2018-02-0472770.75%+2%0.52--
4Le tournoi des Ducs - TeamF21220 Gevrey ChambertinInfernal Dwarves2019-09-2924482.38%+0%0.47--
16La joute du DOC 2019 - TeamF68720 ZillisheimInfernal Dwarves2019-10-2780802.38%+0%0.42--
6Tournoi Inter-Région de 9e Âge - 2017 - TeamF24430 PérigueuxUndying Dynasties2017-06-18192850.56%+0%0.40--
7Aigle d'automneF25220 ChalèzeInfernal Dwarves2019-10-2012302.38%+0%0.32--
16Challenge Didierlaurent 2018 - The 9th ageF90400 MerouxUndying Dynasties2018-04-1534571%+0%0.31--
13Aigle de printempsF25220 ChalèzeSylvan Elves2019-04-2820431.78%+0%0.28--
25Tournoi Interrégions 9eme Age 2018 - TeamF24430 Marsac Sur L'isleUndying Dynasties2018-06-17216851%+0%0.27--
2Tournoi par Equipes 11 - TeamCH1950 SionUndying Dynasties2018-03-0420430.75%+0%0.23--
6Aquila Sequana 2F25000 BesançonUndying Dynasties2018-09-0812301.34%+0%0.22--
2Imperium Club Never stop ! - TeamF25700 ValentigneyUndying Dynasties2017-05-2824480.56%+0%0.21--
11Big-Games 2 - TeamCH1727 CorpatauxUndying Dynasties2017-12-0364740.75%+0%0.19--
12Super Bash YauteF74140 DouvaineUndying Dynasties2018-01-2824480.75%+0%0.19--
1L'aigle à deux tête - TeamF25000 BesançonUndying Dynasties2016-09-0424480.32%+10%0.16--
4Big-Games - TeamCH1727 CorpatauxDwarven Holds2016-11-1348660.32%+0%0.15--
11Imperium Club 3ème du nom (Again)F25700 ValentigneyDwarven Holds2016-10-3036580.32%+0%0.13--
19Kraichti revenge tourF68720 ZillisheimUndying Dynasties2017-10-2926500.75%+0%0.11--
6Tournoi par Equipes 10 - TeamCH1950 SionSylvan Elves2017-02-2636580.42%+0%0.09--
8Fri-Battle 2CH1727 CorpatauxUndying Dynasties2016-07-1628520.24%+0%0.09--
21Imperium Club 9th Age, la série continue !F25700 ValentigneyUndying Dynasties2016-02-2132550.18%+0%0.03--
6Tournoi par Equipes 9 - TeamCH1950 SionInfernal Dwarves2016-02-2832550.18%+0%0.03--
Additional ETR-placements:
* 1052. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
* 50. Place in the WHFB-ranking of CHSwitzerland
* 62. Place in the T9A-ranking of CHSwitzerland
* 151. Place in the T9A-ranking of FFrance
* 771. Place in the WHFB-ranking of FFrance
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
EP = valued ETR-Points

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