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NTRv3.0 France - Warhammer 40K Place 4650 - Laurent aka "lolopsycho" from Fla chapelle basse mer

Laurent made following placements at W40K-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
4Ligue des Forges 1F31320 Castanet TolosanAstra Militarum2012-09-2224480.03%+0%0.0124%0.00
5Ligue des Forges 3F31320 Castanet TolosanAstra Militarum2012-11-1718400.03%+0%0.0122%0.00
8Bonne rencontre?F47240 Bon-EncontreDrukhari2012-04-1423460.02%+0%0.0120%0.00
4LTC40K 2012F09100 La Tour Du CrieuAstra Militarum2012-11-0412300.03%+0%0.0118%0.00
12Cognac Winter 40K IIF16100 CognacAstra Militarum2011-12-0432550.02%+0%0.0116%0.00
More tournaments:
3LTC40K 2011F09100 La Tour Du CrieuAstra Militarum2011-11-1314340.02%+0%0.01--
21Les Chevaliers du WarpF31450 Labastide-BeauvoirAstra Militarum2011-10-0246650.01%+0%0.00--
32Rencontre 40k des Stratèges CatharesF34500 BéziersAstra Militarum2011-10-3042630.02%+0%0.00--
13Thanatos - TeamF31450 Labastide BeauvoirBlack Templars2009-12-1354690%+0%0.00--
7[32] Tournoi 40K de l'Isle-JourdainF32600 L'isle-JourdainAstra Militarum2008-07-2036580%+0%0.00--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 762. Place in the XWING-ranking of FFrance
* 2961. Place in the WHFB-ranking of FFrance
* 2232. Place in the XWING-ranking of Europe
* 7568. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
* 10495. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* [32] Tournoi 40K de l'Isle-Jourdain: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
* LTC40K 2011: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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