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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - FWC Kill Team #2

2.Florent aka "Tornel"FParisCorsair Voidscarred
3.Damien aka "AlfonsoReineke"FAngoulemeHand of the Archon
4.Martin aka "MucFly"FViensLegionary
5.Rémi aka "Ashkeeper"FLe Kremlin BicêtreLegionary
6.Jolan aka "JolanB"FLyonHierotek Circle
7.François aka "Ligerian"FNantesFarstalker Kinband
8.Nicolas aka "Elessar54"FLa Garenne ColombesKommandos
9.Jean-Christophe aka "Icareane"FParisAngels of Death
10.Cédric aka "cmorent"FParisKommandos
11.Arthur aka "El_Tutur"FParisHunter Clades
12.Jacques aka "Tjazou"FQuimperKommandos
13.Jan aka "wokeb"FVillejuifKommandos
14.Clément aka "Lanowar"FSaint BroladreLegionary
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