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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - It appers to be jammed 4 OP

1.Julian aka "Redbeard"DWilsterRebel Alliance
2.Torben aka "Grimaldi"DItzehoeRebel Alliance
3.Volker aka "Discogolog"DItzehoeRebel Alliance
4.Michael aka "Woodpecker"DHamburgGalactic Empire
5.Erik aka "Admiral_Apfel"DKielGalactic Empire
6.Florian aka "Werner"HeideScum and Villainy
7.Marvin aka "Turtel"DItzehoeScum and Villainy
8.Sven aka "ZiegenBock"DLentföhrdenGalactic Empire
9.Marco aka "Black-Dragon"DMarneScum and Villainy
10.Dummy aka "Dummy"
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