T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Guild Ball - IST - Second Raid

1.Francois aka "Froufito"FDunkerqueButcher's Guild
2.Eric aka "Tensei"BBruxellesMason's Guild
3.Pierre aka "KourGe"BBraine-L'alleudEngineer's Guild
4.Steve aka "Niner"BNamurButcher's Guild
5.(anonym)Alchemist's Guild
5.(anonym)Alchemist's Guild
6.Alex aka "Bellor"BNamurHunter's Guild
7.Manuel aka "Melanaer"BThisnesFisherman's Guild
8.Charles-Hubert aka "Random"BJodoigneMortician's Guild
9.Alexandre aka "Nah3lou"BMalonneHunter's Guild
10.Marc aka "YoMi"FMorbecqueHunter's Guild
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