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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - X-wing "sunday tournament"

1.Jens aka "Dardinos"DEssenScum and Villainy
2.Antonio aka "Der_Rafter2k"DDüsseldorfGalactic Empire
3.(anonym)Galactic Empire
4.Frederic aka "CKlink"BHermalle Sous ArgenteauGalactic Empire
5.Yves aka "RookiePilot"BSpyScum and Villainy
6.Marcel aka "Totoro"NLNeeritterRebel Alliance
7.Jonathan aka "Elda"BBruxellesGalactic Empire
8.Steve aka "Troll_mops"BPapigniesScum and Villainy
9.Olivier aka "bong"BLiègeGalactic Empire
10.Fabien aka "djidy"BWaimesRebel Alliance
11.Nicolas aka "purificator"BGrâce HollogneScum and Villainy
12.Jean-Seb aka "El_Malkavian"BLiègeRebel Alliance
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