NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Warmachine/Hordes AAJH
Placement | Name | Origin | Army |
1. | Antoine aka "gitsnik" | Angouleme | The Circle Orboros |
2. | Vladimir aka "SunHunter" | Talence | Protectorate of Menoth |
3. | Stephane aka "Mnemeth" | Aixe sur vienne | The Skorne |
4. | Adrien aka "Pantoufle" | Bordeaux | Mercenaries |
5. | Sylvester aka "communiste" | Moscul | Legion of Everblight |
6. | Pierre-Guy aka "Gregauryc" | Angouleme | Legion of Everblight |
7. | Bruno aka "Bdrumn" | Aixe sur vienne | Trollblood |
8. | (anonym) | | Mercenaries |
9. | Nicolas aka "taraspoutine" | Auterive | The Circle Orboros |
10. | Yoann aka "Moxi" | Bordeaux | Cryx |
11. | Yannick aka "gork87" | Limoges | Protectorate of Menoth |
12. | Olivier aka "the_red_eye" | Bordeaux-Bègles | The Circle Orboros |
13. | Jérôme aka "marmotte" | Limoges | Khador |
14. | David aka "Asgel" | Angoulême | Protectorate of Menoth |
15. | Yoann aka "killerdac" | Balzac | Khador |
16. | Gael aka "Luffy16" | St Yrieix Sur Charente | Legion of Everblight |
17. | Brice aka "Bibi16710" | St Yrieix Sur Charente | The Circle Orboros |