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ETR Europe - Guild Ball Place 163 - Hugues aka "grogro" from FLille

Hugues made following placements at GB-tournaments in Europe...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
5Guild Ball d'Hiver I - Nord StratF59410 AnzinBrewer's Guild2019-01-279232.38%+0%0.2724%0.07
15Shrimpball mastersF59229 Teteghem-Coudekerque VillageFarmer's Guild2018-04-2124481.34%+0%0.2522%0.06
22tournoi guild Ball de ramène tes jeuxF56450 TheixFisherman's Guild2018-03-2526501.34%+0%0.1120%0.02
3Tournoi Guild ball 24h du jeuF56450 TheixBrewer's Guild2017-10-287161%+0%0.1118%0.02
11TNT Guild Ball 1F59320 HaubourdinFisherman's Guild2018-03-0414341.34%+0%0.1016%0.02
More tournaments:
6D.M.G - Tap In Cup 2017F59229 Téteghem-Coudekerque VillageBrewer's Guild2017-12-108201.34%+0%0.08--
4L'Alliance 2018 - Guild BallF59167 LallaingBrewer's Guild2018-10-215112.38%+0%0.07--
19Shrimpball begineersF59229 Teteghem Coudekerque VillageBrewer's Guild2018-04-2221441.34%+0%0.06--
Additional ETR-placements:
* 22. Place in the ASoIF-ranking of Europe
* 73. Place in the MCP-ranking of Europe
* 102. Place in the HD-ranking of Europe
* 202. Place in the EDEN-ranking of Europe
* 233. Place in the Brisk-ranking of Europe
* 262. Place in the Alk-ranking of Europe
* 271. Place in the CO3-ranking of Europe
* 472. Place in the WUS-ranking of Europe
* 659. Place in the WAoS-ranking of Europe
* 809. Place in the WM-ranking of Europe
* 11131. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
* 11804. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
* 6. Place in the Alk-ranking of BBelgium
* 16. Place in the ASoIF-ranking of FFrance
* 69. Place in the MCP-ranking of FFrance
* 80. Place in the EDEN-ranking of BBelgium
* 82. Place in the GB-ranking of FFrance
* 102. Place in the HD-ranking of FFrance
* 122. Place in the WM-ranking of BBelgium
* 182. Place in the EDEN-ranking of FFrance
* 219. Place in the WUS-ranking of FFrance
* 221. Place in the CO3-ranking of FFrance
* 223. Place in the Brisk-ranking of FFrance
* 262. Place in the Alk-ranking of FFrance
* 282. Place in the WM-ranking of FFrance
* 337. Place in the WAoS-ranking of FFrance
* 4068. Place in the WHFB-ranking of FFrance
* 5236. Place in the W40K-ranking of FFrance
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
EP = valued ETR-Points

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