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ETR - Tournament Results - League Wars 2021/2022 - Matchs Aller Ligue 3 PACA A

1.Les BOYZ de la Rade
Cédric aka "Cedp"FToulonAdeptus Mechanicus
Julien aka "Wolfister"FSix-Fours Les PlagesSpace Wolves
Arnaud aka "ArnaudS"FToulonEldar
Sebastien aka "SebB"FSix-Fours Les PlagesGrey Knights
Sebastien aka "Monsta"FLa GardeDrukhari
David aka "SirArhi"FMentonAdeptus Custodes
Kass aka "KassKroot"FLyonDeathwatch
Benjamin aka "kouign_amman"FVilleurbanneDrukhari
Aymeric aka "Blackwall"FLes ChèresT'au Empire
Thomas aka "Wookinho"FLyonThousand Sons
Jonathan aka "Malhun"FVilleurbanneOrks
Daniel aka "Strifer"FLyonGrey Knights
3.Wargame et fines bulles
Thomas aka "Hypafix"FMarseilleAdepta Sororitas
Stefan aka "Stefou13"FMarseilleEldar
Fabrice aka "Krokodin"FMarseilleDeath Guard
Nicolas aka "feanikho"FMarseilleSpace Wolves
Eric aka "Top14"FRoquevaireGrey Knights
Nicolas aka "Niconico"FMarseilleDrukhari
4.Anvil Dragoon Papy Project
Xavier aka "azz"FSaint SavourninChaos Daemons
Joueur aka "Manquant"FYnnari
Joueur aka "Manquant"FThe Inquisition
Jean-Marc G.FAix-En-PceTyranids
Eric aka "Aod"FTretsAdeptus Custodes
Nicolas aka "Oegardun"FVitrollesDeath Guard
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