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ETR - Tournament Results - le fun of war 2021

1.Alea Jacta Est
Nassim aka "Heroo"FSaint Germain Lès CorbeilNecrons
Taimine aka "T1000"FValbonneNecrons
2.NWA 2
Axel aka "xl_"FNiceDark Angels
Romain aka "Karona"FNiceAdeptus Custodes
3.NWA 3
Mathieu aka "Marengo"FNiceAdeptus Custodes
Thierry aka "killboum"FNiceGrey Knights
4.Marteau et l'enclume
Matthieu aka "tourtel"FNiceDark Angels
Antoine aka "beef"FgrasseAdeptus Custodes
5.Cfve 2
Fabrice aka "scaleo8357"FLe MuyAstra Militarum
Eric aka "Chicken"FVidaubanAdepta Sororitas
6.Les solos
(anonym)T'au Empire
Renaud aka "Renarion"FCastelnau-le-LezAdeptus Custodes
Loris aka "Lorisk"FVenceOrks
Jonathan aka "Robotjo"FVenceTyranids
Philippe aka "HeloSV"FFréjusDeath Guard
Geoffrey aka "Ravenska"FSaint-Paul-En-ForêtNecrons
9.Papa Loosa
Laurent aka "karbur"FBandolOrks
Cedric aka "Loiro"FMouans-SartouxGrey Knights
10.Les citrons du warp
Anthony aka "Papagreed"FMentonGrey Knights
Mathieu aka "Uchyukhan"FMentonEldar
11.Un dernier 1 pour la route...
Sébastien aka "Korogoth"FMouans-SartouxOrks
Patrice aka "patoche"FAntibesGrey Knights
12.CFVE 1
Cyril aka "helbrecht"FLorguesThousand Sons
Jonathan aka "Lorican"FFréjusDeathwatch
13.société d'embouteillage de bourgogne/CMMF
Francesco aka "susca"FMouans SartouxGrey Knights
Sébastien aka "Pantoofle"FLe CannetT'au Empire
Guy aka "Dorik"FVallaurisDark Angels
Félix aka "FelX"FVallaurisAdepta Sororitas
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