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ETR - Club Details

Start of the data acquisition:
Last update: 2024-12-18 05:30
There is more info here.

Name:LGV (Liebocher Gesellschaftsspiele Verein)
Origin:A8501 Lieboch
Description: spielen nahezu alle GW Systeme, hauptsächlich natürlich WHFB und 40K.
Wer gerne mehr Infos hätte, schickt mir am besten eine email! :)
Am besten die Dezemberausgabe 06 vom WD lesen - waren Moscha des Monats! :)
To the T³-club page...

Gamesystem:Epic Armageddon
Counting Members:1
Placement:0. in the club ranking
Average points:0.00
Total points:0.00

Placements of members
GrisiPlace 145 - 0.00 Points

Other clubplacements
226. Place in the WHFB-club ranking of Europe
107. Place in the W40K-club ranking of Europe
62. Place in the WM-club ranking of Europe
8. Place in the BFG-club ranking of Europe
15. Place in the FoW-club ranking of Europe
0. Place in the BA-club ranking of Europe
187. Place in the XWING-club ranking of Europe
182. Place in the WAoS-club ranking of Europe
0. Place in the T9A-club ranking of Europe
22. Place in the SWL-club ranking of Europe
0. Place in the ASoIF-club ranking of Europe
0. Place in the TOW-club ranking of Europe
0. Place in the WHFB-club ranking of DGermany
290. Place in the W40K-club ranking of DGermany
0. Place in the FoW-club ranking of DGermany
0. Place in the XWING-club ranking of DGermany
11. Place in the WHFB-club ranking of AAustria
6. Place in the W40K-club ranking of AAustria
6. Place in the WM-club ranking of AAustria
2. Place in the BFG-club ranking of AAustria
0. Place in the EA-club ranking of AAustria
0. Place in the BA-club ranking of AAustria
8. Place in the XWING-club ranking of AAustria
25. Place in the WAoS-club ranking of AAustria
0. Place in the T9A-club ranking of AAustria
1. Place in the SWL-club ranking of AAustria
0. Place in the ASoIF-club ranking of AAustria
0. Place in the TOW-club ranking of AAustria
5. Place in the FoW-club ranking of BBelgium
0. Place in the FoW-club ranking of IItaly

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