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Die 3. Heerschau am Dom - das Spendenturnier - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

DAndrew aka "DukeCountoo"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Springer Andreas aka "ABC"DAbcThe North Kingdom22
2.2.p2Miles Nicolai aka "TheGorgon"DWuppertalBergische WürfellöwenVariags of Khand19
3.3.p3Dimitrios aka "Trandul"DMainzPatisiaLothlórien18
4.4.Jonas aka "Genosse"DMünsterDie BroromirsThe Wizards17
5.5.Philipp aka "whyborn"DMeerbuschFar Harad17
6.6.Johann aka "Argetlam"DSolingenBergische WürfellöwenMoria16
7.7.Max aka "DonMax3000"DLohmarThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains15
8.8.Niklas aka "Sunfyre"DDüsseldorfBergische WürfellöwenThe Tower of Ecthelion15
9.9.Daniel aka "Thungil"DOverathDurin's Folk14
10.10.Felix aka "Axess"DRemscheid-LennepBergische WürfellöwenThe Fiefdoms14
11.11.Manuel aka "M-SB"DMönchengladbachDurin's Folk13
12.12.Nick aka "TheOnlyAhlbach"DRatingenHratuga HrabansThe Host of The Hammerhand13
13.13.Andrew aka "DukeCountoo"player-award-bestpaintedDBonnThe Shire13
14.14.Franziska aka "Schildmaid"DGevelsbergBergische WürfellöwenThéoden's Host11
15.15.Pascal aka "EintopfOhr"DDortmundBergische WürfellöwenMinas Tirith10
16.16.Justin aka "TheOnlyOneIsaak"DKölnSith HappensMinas Tirith6
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Bergische Würfellöwen (6)14.17

City Results (at least 2 players):

No results...

Army Results:

1.The North Kingdom (1)22.00
2.Variags of Khand (1)19.00
3.Lothlórien (1)18.00
4.Far Harad (1)17.00
5.The Wizards (1)17.00
6.Moria (1)16.00
7.The Eagles of the Misty Mountains (1)15.00
8.The Tower of Ecthelion (1)15.00
9.Durin's Folk (1)14.00
10.The Fiefdoms (1)14.00
11.Durin's Folk (1)13.00
12.The Host of The Hammerhand (1)13.00
13.The Shire (1)13.00
14.Théoden's Host (1)11.00
15.Minas Tirith (2)8.00
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