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HTL - X-Mas Special 2019 - Minyarts - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

DVincent aka "Vincent2001"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1David aka "Heyoka"DHannoverHTUThe Legions of the White Hand67
2.2.p2Vincent aka "Vincent2001"player-award-bestpaintedDDetmoldTLMHarad64
3.3.p3Michael aka "Krsone1896"DHildesheimHTUThranduil's Hall54
4.4.Matthias aka "Hallimasus"DGesekeTLMErebor54
5.5.David aka "EWmephiston"DBochumThe White Council54
6.6.Basti aka "Geppi_aka_Terrainiac"DLippborgTLMIsengard53
7.7.Emanuel aka "Leuko"DHildesheimHTURivendell49
9.9.Marvin aka "Frost"DDortmundTLMMinas Tirith40
10.10.Tobias aka "Bellwuppdich"DHildesheimHTURadagast's Alliance39
11.11.(anonym)DDurin's Folk39
12.12.Melina aka "Tauriel"DBergkamenTLMElrond's Household38
13.13.Jonas aka "Elokai"DAnröchteTLMThe Legions of the White Hand36
14.14.Dimitrij aka "Dimitrij90"DPaderbornMinas Tirith36
15.15.Marc aka "Hobbit91"DWaltropAngmar33
16.16.Klaus aka "Joker13"DEnnepetalTLMMoria32
17.17.Marcus aka "TeeZee"DArnsbergTLMAngmar31
18.18.Cassian aka "Caischen"DBielefeldThéoden's Host31
19.19.Florian aka "BumBleBee"DMindenTLMIsengard29
20.20.Christian aka "HugLer"DHildesheimHTUThe Legions of the White Hand22
21.21.Ronny aka "Leon_Idas"DDortmundTLMArmy of Thror20
22.22.Ralf aka "Ralle88"DWarendorfThranduil's Hall18
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.HTU (5)46.20
2.TLM (10)39.70

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Hildesheim (4)41.00
2.Bielefeld (2)36.00
3.Dortmund (2)30.00

Army Results:

1.Harad (1)64.00
2.Erebor (1)54.00
3.The White Council (1)54.00
4.Rivendell (1)49.00
5.The Legions of the White Hand (3)41.67
6.Isengard (2)41.00
7.Durin's Folk (1)39.00
8.Radagast's Alliance (1)39.00
9.Minas Tirith (2)38.00
10.Elrond's Household (1)38.00
11.Thranduil's Hall (2)36.00
12.Angmar (3)35.00
13.Moria (1)32.00
14.Théoden's Host (1)31.00
15.Army of Thror (1)20.00
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