Players' Awards
Single Player Results:
No. |
Place |
Name |
Origin |
Army |
Total |
1. | 1. | necro demon | 39 |
| | Frederic aka "dizzy70" | Fouchécourt | Vampire Counts | 39 |
| | Alf aka "Athrus1111" | Besancon | Daemons of Chaos | 39 |
2. | 2. | les joke | 34 |
| | Kevin aka "Crosby" | Thaon-Les-Vosges | Dwarfs | 34 |
| | Jonathan aka "Sytri" | Punerot | Ogre Kingdoms | 34 |
3. | 3. | MMK | 30 |
| | Franck aka "MiniChoux" | Fontaine | Empire | 30 |
| | Jean-Philippe aka "Big_Pimouss" | Belfort | Ogre Kingdoms | 30 |
4. | 4. | Come out and play! | 28 |
| | Jérôme aka "Hiero" | Wittenheim | Skaven | 28 |
| | Morgane aka "Morphine" | Colmar | Daemons of Chaos | 28 |
5. | 5. | 1 D troyes | 26 |
| | Pierre Alain aka "Morgianna" | Troyes | Chaos Warriors | 26 |
| | Flavien aka "radagast" | Troyes | Orcs & Goblins | 26 |
6. | 6. | Doubiste Knights | 24 |
| | Mickaël aka "Mick" | Montbeliard | Ogre Kingdoms | 24 |
| | Antonin aka "Tullaris" | Strasbourg | Dark Elves | 24 |
7. | 7. | l'écologie d'abord | 23 |
| | Julien aka "Greenskin" | Altkirch | Orcs & Goblins | 23 |
| | Alex aka "Inspecteur_G" | Wittenheim | Orcs & Goblins | 23 |
8. | 8. | l'équipe des petits poneys fringants | 18 |
| | Charles aka "Carlos_70" | Vesoul | Lizardmen | 18 |
| | Julien aka "Juvin" | Montrond Le Château | Lizardmen | 18 |
9. | 9. | frere ennemi | 13 |
| | Angelique aka "ange-dechu" | Port Sur Saone | Dark Elves | 13 |
| | Marc aka "panda-70" | Vesoul | High Elves | 13 |
10. | 10. | Snake Team | 11 |
| | Yohann aka "Cornolio" | Besançon | Lizardmen | 11 |
| | Tony aka "tony0225" | Besancon | Lizardmen | 11 |
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points |
City Results (at least 2 players):
Place | Origin | Points |
1. | Troyes (2) | 26.00 |
2. | Wittenheim (2) | 25.50 |
3. | Besancon (3) | 20.33 |
4. | Vesoul (2) | 15.50 |
Army Results:
Place | Army | Points |
1. | Vampire Counts (1) | 39.00 |
2. | Dwarfs (1) | 34.00 |
3. | Daemons of Chaos (2) | 33.50 |
4. | Empire (1) | 30.00 |
5. | Ogre Kingdoms (3) | 29.33 |
6. | Skaven (1) | 28.00 |
7. | Chaos Warriors (1) | 26.00 |
8. | Orcs & Goblins (3) | 24.00 |
9. | Dark Elves (2) | 18.50 |
10. | Lizardmen (4) | 14.50 |
11. | High Elves (1) | 13.00 |