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Palatinate Wargaming RTT 1 - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Volker aka "Entilsa"DKoblenz770Adeptus MechanicusHigh Performance Mindsetno
2. Martin aka "Oktobull"DNörtershausen8608Blood Angelsno
3. Jean Pierre aka "Ginger_Ninja"DAndernach1996Blood AngelsHigh Performance Mindsetno
4. Kai aka "StealphX"DKoblenz1420TyranidsHigh Performance Mindsetno
5. Michael aka "Gorabur"DWeißenthurm418YnnariHigh Performance Mindsetno
6. Sven aka "Freekkel"DKoblenz353Death GuardHigh Performance Mindsetno
7. Tim aka "tungsten-toothpick"DHeinsberg-Chaos Space Marinesno
8. Philipp aka "Philsen"DFreiberg am Neckar1144T'au EmpireAllstar Tabletopno
9. Sascha aka "Schattenlicht"DLampertheim53Genestealer CultsTeam Hootersno
10. Sebastian aka "Zweischneid"DLahr/Schwarzwald24YnnariTeam Firebugno
11. Lukas aka "Trooll"DBad Sobernheim943The InquisitionPalatinate Wargamingno
12. Michael aka "Kite"DMannheim819TyranidsTeam Firebugno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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