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11th Blue and White Wolves Games Clash - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Arne aka "Gorbash"DWunstorf208Grand Alliance ChaosOma's Lieblingenono
2. Denny aka "Megaboss"DBerlin300Grand Alliance OrderTrio Infernalenono
3. Michael aka "MichaH"DMuldestausee333Grand Alliance OrderTabletop Sachsen e.V.nono
4. Stephan aka "Roeder"DLeipzig248FyreslayersTabletop Sachsen e.V.nono
5. Carsten aka "jethroo"DWerder361Cities of SigmarBerliner Wargaming Betriebenono
6. Christopher aka "JarlChristopher"DWernigerode-SylvanethHarz Gamer e.V.nono
7. Bastian aka "Sca"DLübeck50The Legion of AzgorhLudo Liubice e.V.nono
8. Dirk aka "3nte"DBerlin595SkavenSons of Southsidenono
9. Robert aka "Gaukler95"DBerlin12Grand Alliance DestructionBerliner Bärenbandenono
10. Patrick aka "LordPatrick"DBerlin42SeraphonBerliner Bärenbandenono
11. Bennet aka "Runenschmidt"DBerlin177Stormcast EternalsWarpstone Enjoyersnono
12. Fabian aka "Remus89"DPotsdam845Blades of Khornenono

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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