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2. Deutsche Dystopian Wars Meisterschaft - List of Participants

1. Jürgen aka "Thunderbolt"DBerlin6Chinese FederationShadow Bears Berlinyesyes
2. Robin aka "Robo"DBerlin13Covenant of Antarcticayesyes
3. Dennis aka "Tokata"DBerlin4Kingdom of Denmarkyesyes
4. Dirk aka "Kerson"DFalkensee-Empire of the Blazing SunShadow Bears Berlinyesyes
5. Wolfgang aka "Rufus_das_Reh"LIBasel25Kingdom of BritanniaWarhammer Basiliskyesyes
6. Thorsten aka "Darkshadow"DBerlin7Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthShadow Bears Berlinyesyes
7. Martin aka "MartinM"DBremerhaven10Kingdom of BritanniaTabletop Club Bremerhavenyesyes
8. Kevin aka "Lupus"DBremerhaven14Russian CoalitionTabletop Club Bremerhavenyesyes
9. Jan aka "Bratr"CZPraha-Federated States of Americayesyes
10. Lukas aka "Gobbos"CZPraha-League of Italian Statesyesyes
11. Kai aka "Rancor"DBerlin3Republique of FranceMuskeltiereyesyes
12. Oliver aka "bonebreaker"DBerlin1Republique of FranceMuskeltiereyesyes
13. Alexander aka "EarlyBird"DKremperheide9Federated States of Americayesyes
14. Stefan aka "Schattenmaske"DBerlin2Prussian EmpireWarlordsyesyes
15. Tomáš aka "asghar"CZÚstí Nad Labem-Kingdom of Denmarkyesyes
16. Max aka "GurkenFan"DKremperheide5Prussian Empireyesyes
17. Sven aka "Tilissie"DKaltenkirchen32Republique of Franceyesyes
18. Mark aka "GuzizuG"UKGlasgow15Prussian Empireyesyes
19. (anonym)-Kingdom of Denmarkyesyes
20. Mattias aka "Swinia"DBerlin-Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthyesyes
21. (anonym)-Covenant of AntarcticaTempleryesyes

Distribution of Armies
Kingdom of Denmark:3
Prussian Empire:3
Republique of France:3
Covenant of Antarctica:2
Federated States of America:2
Kingdom of Britannia:2
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth:2
Chinese Federation:1
Empire of the Blazing Sun:1
League of Italian States:1
Russian Coalition:1
Distribution of Origins
CZCzech Republic:3
UKUnited Kingdom:1
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