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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - 5. Berliner Meisterschaft

1.Tom aka "pippin26"DLychenGuardians of the Carrock
2.Anas aka "Isnogud"DHoppegartenThe Wizards
3.Markus aka "Leptys"DHamburgDol Guldur
4.Tion aka "Tortillon"DBerlinThe Dwellers Below
5.David aka "Heyoka"DHannoverThe Wild Men of Drúadan Forest
6.Hauke aka "JayCop"DKielDol Guldur
7.Tim aka "TimBombadil"DVellmarThe Wanderers in the Wild
8.Tobias aka "Caldan"DLandsbergGuardians of the Carrock
9.Christian aka "Pelennorfarmer"DBeeskowMordor
10.Dennis aka "Zerc"DBerlinThe Easterlings
11.Jakob aka "SiriusLee"DBerlinRivendell
12.Tomek aka "Zuboku"DHamburgThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
13.Christian aka "Raist"DKielMordor
14.Malte aka "TinHunter"DHannoverThe Wanderers in the Wild
15.Frederic aka "Gory"DPotsdamThe Serpent Horde
16.Fabian aka "Fabi94"DHamburgThe Wizards
17.Simon aka "sim-"DOberrothAngmar
18.Lukas aka "Peterpan123"DNettetalKhazad-dûm
19.Byron aka "Grueno"DNorderstedtThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
20.Alex aka "Bollo"DHamburgThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
21.Stefan aka "Hugyyy"DLabenzThe Dead of Dunharrow
22.Henry aka "Hp-otti"DTorgelowThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
23.Constantin aka "Tolkien"DHamburgThe Wizards
24.Antonio aka "AntonioR"DBerlinThe Trolls
25.Toni aka "Kampfnonne"DDresdenDesolator of the North
26.Lukas aka "Lukanator"DKehlFar Harad
27.Tim aka "Timalexander"DBerlinThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
28.Paul aka "Ragon"DBerlinThe Wizards
29.Lukas aka "Tiuz"DBerlinRadagast's Alliance
30.Flo aka "Flobradil"DBerlinThe Legions of the White Hand
31.Franco aka "Slipi"DTorgelowThe Dwellers Below
32.Martin aka "Mats_SonOfNerdor"DPotsdamThe Army of Lake-town
33.Nono aka "Nohirrim"DHamburgIsengard
34.Ralph aka "Gondor"DBerlinMinas Tirith
35.Martin aka "Martin_der_Grosse"DBerlinThe Wizards
36.Andy aka "tria"DBrandenburg - HoppegartenMoria
37.Idmon aka "LordWahlter77"DTriepkendorfThéoden's Host
38.Paul aka "PaulN"DRostockThe Fellowship
39.Henrik aka "Shidoric"DGarstedtThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
40.Luca aka "Ligma"DEmdenAngmar
41.Patrick aka "Ragroth"DBerlinMinas Tirith
42.Manuel aka "M-SB"DMönchengladbachDurin's Folk
43.Martin aka "M4RT1N"DBerlinAngmar
44.Gabriel aka "Ecthelion_"DFrankfurt am MainThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
45.Jo aka "Jorius"DBerlinThe Corsair Fleets
46.Dean aka "Druk"DBerlinKhazad-dûm
47.Timm aka "Youngcesar"DFrankfurtThe Black Gate
48.Malte aka "Sarumans_Hand"DBerlinThe Legions of the White Hand
49.Julian aka "Julio_SonOfNerdor"DBerlinMinas Tirith
50.Phillip Bulwyf aka "Bulwyf"DNehlitzMordor
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