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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Schlacht um die Südlande 2

1.Patrick aka "PatrickS93"DSchwäbisch GmündThe Wanderers in the Wild
2.Dennis aka "Tulkas91"DHeddesheimThranduil's Hall
3.Alexander aka "Hellenstein"DSteinheim am AlbuchThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
4.Bastian aka "La-manzana"DLudwigshafen am RheinAngmar
5.Armin aka "Sylvebarb"DWürzburgRivendell
6.Oliver aka "atompilz"DGießenThe Wizards
7.Philip aka "Haleth"CHSt. GallenElrond's Household
8.Tobias aka "Tobbse"DHeubachThéoden's Host
9.Fabian aka "Fabi123"DSchwäbisch GmündThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
10.Frank aka "Neutrino"DRottenburg am NeckarNúmenor
11.Jonas aka "Sterlix"DWiesbadenDesolator of the North
12.Pascal aka "PascalB"DRottenburg am NeckarAngmar
13.Julian aka "coinflip"DKornwestheimRivendell
14.Patrick aka "M-Powercars"DRottenburg am NeckarThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
15.Lars aka "Neuro1020"DWallufErebor
16.Timon aka "Failien"DDarmstadtMinas Morgul
17.Stefan aka "DwalinEisenfaust"DBüttelbornDurin's Folk
18.Kevin aka "KleinaufSchwein"DHeddesheimThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
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