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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - store magasin carte chance

1.Axel aka "Azkel"FSt Germain en LayeGalactic Empire
2.Yann aka "Nnayl"FRueil MalmaisonScum and Villainy
3.Damien aka "Larkinn"FParisRebel Alliance
4.Jean-Christophe aka "Lanyssa_Ryssyll"FCourbevoieGalactic Empire
5.Daniel aka "Pelayo"FMontgeronGalactic Empire
6.Alexandre aka "Dekkeret"FParisRebel Alliance
7.Louis aka "Comborex"FParisRebel Alliance
8.Patrice aka "Thymir"FCourcouronnesGalactic Empire
9.Kael aka "kael"FVillejuifRebel Alliance
10.Xavier aka "wangermee"FLivry GarganRebel Alliance
11.Cédric aka "SydZ"FIvry-Sur-SeineGalactic Empire
12.(anonym)Galactic Empire
13.Rémy aka "Cornelius40k"FPuteauxRebel Alliance
14.Félix aka "Lysta"FCachanScum and Villainy
15.Gil aka "Zil"FLagny-Sur-MarneGalactic Empire
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