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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Le tournoi de l'Empereur

1.Jérémy aka "Darshan"FChalautre La GrandeRebel Alliance
2.Giovanni aka "Giov76"FRouenGalactic Empire
3.Laurent aka "Durak"FLa Bonneville Sur ItonRebel Alliance
4.Philippe aka "Chuck-Yeags"FPalaiseauScum and Villainy
5.Yves aka "raskouel"FChalautre La GrandeScum and Villainy
6.Maël aka "Torkil"FCourcouronnesGalactic Empire
7.Benjamin aka "Mytoti"FCourcouronnesScum and Villainy
8.Frédéric aka "Pian76"FArpajonRebel Alliance
9.Christophe aka "Longshot58"FLongjumeauRebel Alliance
10.Jérôme aka "alucard666"FCOMPIEGNEScum and Villainy
11.Gregory aka "mcg"FRueil MalmaisonGalactic Empire
12.Olivier aka "Ollouche"FRueil-MalmaisonScum and Villainy
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