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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - 4. Meat´n´Metal... -Battle

1.Günter aka "Champ"DWalsrodeCryx
2.Christian aka "ChrisMD"DBremenCygnar
3.Felix aka "Failix"DLeipzigProtectorate of Menoth
5.Benjamin aka "Knarrkiefer"DRosengartenProtectorate of Menoth
6.Nicolas aka "N1C"DBremenProtectorate of Menoth
7.Tjorben aka "Minigrot"DBremenLegion of Everblight
8.Meik aka "The_Git"DGeorgsmarienhütteRetribution of Scyrah
9.Daniel aka "Strife"DGeorgsmarienhütteProtectorate of Menoth
10.Robin aka "DerRobbe"DBremenKhador
11.Jasmin aka "Mine"DWalsrodeMinions
12.Nino aka "Torsul"DBerlinKhador
13.Philipp aka "Saufzwerg"DHalle (Saale)Cygnar
14.Philipp aka "Brezel"DBad FallingbostelRetribution of Scyrah
15.Carsten aka "Jin-Roh"DApelernThe Circle Orboros
16.Danii aka "schlumpf"DHbThe Circle Orboros
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