There's currently a bug in the export function. We'll fix this in the next couple of hours, so that there will be no problems with the tournaments this weekend. Please be a bit patient.
7.1% of the T³-users voted Games Workshop's Warhammer with 33% of the votes as their Game of the Year 2009. This isn't that suprising as Warhammer is the most spread tabletop in general and so on T³. Therefore we'll check if we'll held the vote next year again and if yes, what we're going to change on the voting.
T³ was a couple of hours down, cause we changed the character encoding of the whole T³ system to the international Unicode (UTF-8).
If you encounter an error based on messed up special characters (like German umlauts or similar), please contact an admin immediately.
Update: There are still some minor differences between the data before and after the update. So players with special characters in their names may see some tournaments not listed correctly. This is a minor problem and we will take down the page tomorrow morning for a short while to convert all the old data.