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NTRv3.0 France - Kings of War Place 29 - Mehdi aka "Alphie" from FLyon

Mehdi made following placements at KoW-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
2TAK IVF07240 Vernoux En VivaraisSylvan Kin2023-08-20184056.25%+0%21.1824%5.08
4CLASH OF TEAMS FRANCE - TeamF87570 Rilhac RanconOgres2023-05-21325556.25%+0%17.4622%3.84
9TAK IIIF07240 Vernoux En VivaraisBasileans2022-08-21305331.64%+0%12.1420%2.43
3TAK IIF07240 Vernoux En VivaraisOgres2021-08-22204317.8%+0%6.8518%1.23
5Découverte format compétitif en BerryF18700 OizonOgres2022-03-26123023.73%+0%4.5316%0.72
More tournaments:
1TAKF07240 Vernoux En VivaraisNorthern Alliance2020-08-2310257.51%+20%2.25--
6Inter-Régions Kings of War 2019 - TeamF62119 DourgesThe Brotherhood2019-06-3060723.17%+0%1.45--
2Les rats corruptibles-journée de lancement KOWF69003 LyonGoblins2019-09-1512304.22%+0%1.15--
8Cheese of WarF63360 GerzatOgres2019-10-2720434.22%+0%1.15--
10Clash of Kings European CupF16000 AngoulemeUndead2019-07-2126503.17%+0%1.01--
1Enterrement de vie de V2F69003 LyonRatkin2019-11-248204.22%+20%1.01--
1Clash of CharnayF71850 Charnay Les MâconOgres2019-02-1012302.38%+20%0.86--
7BELLUM LACUM KOW 4F74140 DouvaineThe Herd2020-01-2612305.63%+0%0.77--
1Salade tomates oignons chef ?F69003 LyonUndead2019-05-267203.17%+20%0.76--
17October fest XV - KOWF31880 La Salvetat-Saint GillesOgres2022-10-02184031.64%+0%0.74--
1BELLUM LACUM KOWF74140 DouvaineOgres2019-01-2710252.38%+20%0.71--
22KoW World Cup France 2018F16000 AngoulemeLeague of Rhordia2018-07-2240611.78%+0%0.50--
1Journée de campagne internationale KINGS OF WARF69003 LyonUndead2018-08-256111.78%+20%0.24--
1Tournoi KoW "On test le nouveau Clash !"F69003 LyonLeague of Rhordia2018-02-256111.34%+20%0.18--
1Les Guerres d'OphidiaF69003 LyonLeague of Rhordia2017-06-256110.75%+20%0.10--
3Amitiés et trahisons - TeamF69003 LyonDwarfs2017-08-136111%+0%0.01--
* 33. Place in the KoW-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* BELLUM LACUM KOW: player-award-bestgeneralBest General
* Clash of Charnay: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Le Sans quartier (aussi nommé Pelot d'Hennebont)
* TAK IV: player-award-fairplayFairest Player
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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