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NTRv3.0 Germany - Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Place 140 - Jan aka "Cpt-Marine" from DRecklinghausen

Jan made following placements at LotR-tournaments in Germany...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
9Schlacht am Westwalll ID52066 AachenLothlórien2023-11-18285275%+0%27.4424%6.59
6„Lass uns gemeinsam Schwerter ziehen“ Würfelgötter Teamturnier - TeamD45894 GelsenkirchenThranduil's Hall2023-09-30285275%+0%23.8322%5.24
4BWL Die 8. Schlacht um das W.-Tal. Vom Spähtrupp zur Legion IID42275 WuppertalLothlórien2023-12-02173975%+0%23.7720%4.75
71. Bremer-Invasionsschlacht um die WeserD28279 BremenIsengard2024-03-031637100%+0%22.2018%4.00
12Die Schlacht im Drachental 3D40212 DüsseldorfAzog's Hunters2023-07-08325556.25%+0%19.9616%3.19
More tournaments:
261. Niederrhein-MeisterschaftD41334 NettetalLothlórien2024-01-14386075%+0%14.59--
13BWL NEU! Die 7. Schlacht um das Wupper-Tal. Geheime Missionen!D42275 WuppertalAzog's Hunters2023-09-09184075%+0%8.82--
22Würfelgötter Middle-Earth OsterturnierD45894 GelsenkirchenIsengard2024-03-302650100%+0%8.00--
10Bergischer KönigstagD51399 BurscheidIsengard2023-02-18184042.19%+0%7.94--
11HTL - Meister von Mittelerde #6 - MinyartsD59269 BeckumThe Fiefdoms2024-04-061434100%+0%7.85--
235. Würfelgötter Middle-Earth TurnierD45894 GelsenkirchenThe Fiefdoms2023-03-19305342.19%+0%5.40--
213. Würfelgötter Middle-Earth Tabletop-Strategiespiel TurnierD45894 GelsenkirchenThranduil's Hall2022-05-28325523.73%+0%4.63--
151. Würfelgötter Middle-Earth Turnier (Nachholtermin)D45894 GelsenkirchenThe Fiefdoms2021-10-09285217.8%+0%4.46--
16HTL - Meister von Mittelerde #5 - MinyartsD59269 BeckumThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains2023-11-04184075%+0%3.53--
10HTL - Meister von Mittelerde #4 "auf ein Neues" - MinyartsD59269 BeckumIsengard2023-04-29123056.25%+0%3.07--
16HTL - Der Schatz im Drachental 2D40212 DüsseldorfIsengard2019-11-0216374.22%+0%0.00--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 3700. Place in the W40K-ranking of DGermany
* 207. Place in the LotR-ranking of Europe
* 8535. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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