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NTRv3.0 France - Warhammer Fantasy Battles Place 889 - Christophe aka "PapyChris" from FLe Beausset

Christophe made following placements at WHFB-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
7Tisseurs de Rêves 2013F83130 La GardeWood Elves2013-08-1130530.06%+0%0.0224%0.01
18TISSEURS DE REVES - WarhammerF83130 La GardeWood Elves2014-08-1025490.1%+0%0.0122%0.00
32Tournoi Roquebrune Automne 2013F83520 Roquebrune Sur ArgensWood Elves2013-10-2038600.06%+0%0.0120%0.00
183eme Jubilé MounasoisF06370 Mouans SartouxBretonnia2011-10-0224480.01%+0%0.0018%0.00
8Tournoi battle Ludistratèges été 2010F83400 HyèresWood Elves2010-07-1114340.01%+0%0.0016%0.00
More tournaments:
14tournoi automneF13127 VitrollesBretonnia2010-10-0320430.01%+0%0.00--
38Tisseurs de RêvesF83130 La GardeWood Elves2011-08-0743640.01%+0%0.00--
38Roquebrune 2012F83520 Roquebrune Sur ArgensBretonnia2012-11-1140610.03%+0%0.00--
57Roquebrune 2010F83520 Roquebrune Sur ArgensBretonnia2010-11-0768750.01%+0%0.00--
27TISSEURS de REVES WBFF83130 La GardeWood Elves2012-08-0528520.03%+0%0.00--
63RoquebruneF83520 Roquebrune Sur Argens2008-11-0989820%+0%0.00--
86Roquebrune 2006F83520 Roquebrune-Sur Argens2006-11-05111850%+0%0.00--
97GT 2007F13784 Aubagne2007-08-25114850%+0%0.00--
41Tisseurs de Rêves – Edition 2006F83200 Toulon2006-08-0658710%+0%0.00--
58Roquebrune 2009F83520 Roquebrune Sur ArgensWood Elves2009-11-0859720%+0%0.00--
101GT France 2006F13400 Aubagne2006-08-26118850%+0%0.00--
36Tisseurs de Rêves – Edition 2007F83130 La Garde2007-08-0540610%+0%0.00--
83CFVE 2007F83520 Roquebrune Sur Argens2007-11-0486810%+0%0.00--
14Ludistratèges Battle 2F83400 HyeresWood Elves2011-06-1214340.01%+0%0.00--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 17. Place in the TOW-ranking of FFrance
* 591. Place in the T9A-ranking of FFrance
* 86. Place in the TOW-ranking of Europe
* 973. Place in the T9A-ranking of Europe
* 2158. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* tournoi automne: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
* Tournoi Roquebrune Automne 2013: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
* TISSEURS DE REVES - Warhammer: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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