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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Tournoi Aos, Le repaire de l'ogre, avril 2022

1.Fabien aka "Skarpt"FSaint Germain NuellesStormcast Eternals
2.Remy aka "Bono"FChamboeufIdoneth Deepkin
3.Benoît aka "Hurben"FLa TalaudiereMaggotkin of Nurgle
4.Jean Michael aka "Ercus"FSt-Just-En-BasDaughters of Khaine
5.Loïc aka "Loki42000"FSury-le-ComtalNighthaunt
6.Jordan aka "Mo-jo"FBoen Sur LignonOgor Mawtribes
7.Laetitia aka "Laeti"FSt Just En BasKharadron Overlords
8.Benoit aka "Romanzo8301"FSaint Agathe La BouteresseIdoneth Deepkin
9.Gregory aka "Largo42"FBoenSeraphon
10.Arthur aka "Graours"FSaint-EtienneFyreslayers
11.Cyril aka "cygi42"FMontbrisonHedonites of Slaanesh
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