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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Grimoire 12

1.Les Enfants du Sud
Yohann aka "AltF4"FVeyrasKingdom of Equitaine
Gilles aka "camaris"FPort De BoucEmpire of Sonnstahl
Benjamin aka "benji"FAix en ProvenceVampire Covenant
Vincent aka "vince3310"FToulouseSylvan Elves
2.VP Power
Pierre-Emmanuel aka "Gilg248"FNiceSaurian Ancients
Alberto aka "ilBae"FNiceOgre Khans
Thomas aka "damsetoi"FLe MuyThe Vermin Swarm
Dimitri aka "mortis06"FCantaronVampire Covenant
3.En Burnout
Yannick aka "Papy_Mougeot"FToulouseInfernal Dwarves
Laurent aka "Bigfish"FRamonville-Saint-AgneSylvan Elves
Ju aka "elric31"FToulouseDread Elves
Emmanuel aka "Dolboth"FToulouseEmpire of Sonnstahl
4.En poutre forcée
Cyril aka "Gondin"FLavaurThe Vermin Swarm
Johan aka "Krahuk"FToulouseThe Vermin Swarm
Ugo aka "Galenor"FNajacUndying Dynasties
Maxime aka "Von_Rechnaud"FToulouseKingdom of Equitaine
5.La Compagnie Dorée
Marvin aka "Druchii-"FRuffecDread Elves
Geoffrey aka "vvalor"FMérignacSylvan Elves
Michel aka "Gandarin"FPoitiersDaemon Legions
Julien aka "Rats-masse-miettes"Fbordeaux cauderanThe Vermin Swarm
6.Ork'n Roll & Yoyo Team
Matthieu aka "Zeus"FEscalquensKingdom of Equitaine
Greg aka "azrael2"FAlbiInfernal Dwarves
Nicolas aka "LaRoseNoire"FToulouseEmpire of Sonnstahl
Lionel aka "wingaal"FGaillacBeast Herds
7.la poutre est dans la grange
Simon aka "Kamy"FToulouseEmpire of Sonnstahl
Christophe aka "Ipo"FFicheuxDaemon Legions
Plouzane aka "darth-mael"FToulouseDread Elves
Olivier aka "Vavs"FLe CannetHighborn Elves
Jérémie aka "Dego"FMontpellierDread Elves
Brice aka "Bogeyman"FMontpellierSylvan Elves
Yannick aka "thanos2804"FPignanOrcs and Goblins
Bertrand aka "superchinois"FAlèsHighborn Elves
9.ork n'roll
Thierry aka "El_chatardo"FLa Salvetat St GillesOrcs and Goblins
César aka "Meuh"FToulouseEmpire of Sonnstahl
Marc aka "EDELRATH"FLa Salvetat Saint GillesDwarven Holds
Michel aka "Kutchuc"FToulouseWarriors of the Dark Gods
10.En Marche mais forcés
Guillaume aka "White-walker"FBourg Saint BernardOgre Khans
Vivien aka "Trip"FRoquevidalEmpire of Sonnstahl
Nicolas aka "MrCrouton"FLavaurHighborn Elves
Thomas aka "Norn"FRoquevidalDwarven Holds
11.Sous l'océan
Matthieu aka "Berlioz"FToulouseDwarven Holds
Luc aka "Astrabell"FPinsaguelSaurian Ancients
Etienne aka "Doud"FPlaisance-Du-TouchHighborn Elves
Maxime aka "d_Estro"FPlaisance-Du-TouchBeast Herds
12.La WAAGGHH!!!
Anthony aka "Silvarin"FPérigueuxOrcs and Goblins
Fabien aka "Woljtek"FToulouseDread Elves
Kim aka "Kim"FPerigueuxDaemon Legions
Julien aka "Damonk"FTarbesKingdom of Equitaine
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