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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - AAJH Warmachine 28&29 Octobre

1.Antoine aka "gitsnik"FAngoulemeThe Circle Orboros
2.Florian aka "Trippe"FMontfavetProtectorate of Menoth
3.David aka "billoudav"FToulouseMercenaries
4.Timothée aka "Knurlnien"FToulouseRetribution of Scyrah
5.Christophe aka "Goro33"FPessacKhador
6.Christophe aka "Althair"FAngoulêmeTrollblood
7.Jean-François aka "morsieb"FChampmillonCygnar
8.Samuel aka "syco"FVillentroisRetribution of Scyrah
9.Sophie aka "Sof1"FAngoulêmeThe Circle Orboros
10.Timothé aka "Merik"FGond-PontouvreProtectorate of Menoth
11.Gael aka "Luffy16"FSt Yrieix Sur CharenteLegion of Everblight
12.Brice aka "Bibi16710"FSt Yrieix Sur CharenteThe Circle Orboros
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