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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Focus & Fury 13 La Boite à Chimères

1.Pierre-Emmanuel aka "Purpleboy"FRouenKhador
2.Norman aka "Shetan"FPetit QuevillyCryx
3.Baptiste aka "Detrakor"FEslettesLegion of Everblight
4.Giovanni aka "Giov76"FRouenTrollblood
5.Antoine aka "NiViD"FFécampRetribution of Scyrah
6.Harold aka "Metanoir"FRouenCryx
7.(anonym)The Circle Orboros
8.Jimmy aka "Corvax"FMont Saint AignanThe Circle Orboros
9.Sebastien aka "Rulfr"FPetit CouronneCygnar
10.Kevin aka "Forge"FNotre Dame De BondevilleLegion of Everblight
11.Vincent aka "PapsBob"FBosrobertKhador
12.Pierre aka "ptit_pierre"FRouenThe Circle Orboros
13.Malan aka "Malan-Tai"FRouenProtectorate of Menoth
14.Tony aka "Orophin"FTournevilleLegion of Everblight
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