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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - 2. Erfurter Teamturnier WM/HOR

1.Schüchtern, aber trotzdem tödlich
Philipp aka "Brezel"DWalsrodeRetribution of Scyrah
Bernhard aka "bnf"DHeidelbergThe Circle Orboros
2.TTCE Licking Salty Tears of Unfathomable Sadness
Andreas aka "Andrasch"DErfurtRetribution of Scyrah
Thomas aka "Chevelle"DWeimarLegion of Everblight
Das Bin aka "Ze_German"DErfurtKhador
3.Kommander Wurschtbrot
Moritz aka "Last-Knight"DIron IslandsMercenaries
Moritz aka "Moe-Joe"DMünchenProtectorate of Menoth
Andreas aka "Doenermann"DMünchenTrollblood
4.Ein Herz für Randgruppen!
Hendrik aka "Hoernchen"DKasselCryx
René aka "Hjard"DKasselConvergence of Cyriss
Till aka "Cherup"DKasselProtectorate of Menoth
5.TTS Leipzig 2
Michael aka "waikiki2k"DKasselThe Circle Orboros
Philipp aka "Kochklops"DDresdenCryx
Tino aka "BlueLightUp"DLeipzigKhador
6.TTS Leipzig
Sven-Martin aka "Autarch"DLeipzigThe Skorne
David aka "Nokobuku"DLeipzigConvergence of Cyriss
Peter aka "Horatio"DLeipzigMercenaries
7.Wir kommen nur fürs Buffet
Florian aka "Wolly94"DObereuerheimThe Skorne
Fabian aka "Cleam"DGrettstadtCygnar
Christian aka "Phex"DBad KissingenConvergence of Cyriss
8.Team Ganz Hartes Brot
(anonym)Legion of Everblight
(anonym)Legion of Everblight
Denny aka "Zwergengroll"DFloh-SeligenthalTrollblood
Walter aka "PasstSchon"DTeuchernThe Skorne
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