T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - [XWING] Championnat Régional SUD-EST

1.Gabriel aka "DarkGaby"FSaint Sulpice Sur LezeGalactic Empire
2.(unkown)Galactic Empire
3.Laurent aka "lolopsycho"FToulouseGalactic Empire
4.(unkown)Galactic Empire
5.Johan aka "Gob-Laid"FLyonGalactic Empire
6.(unkown)Galactic Empire
7.Yoann aka "nuubman"FCannes La BoccaGalactic Empire
8.Julien aka "Jodo_Kast"FBlagnacRebel Alliance
9.(unkown)Rebel Alliance
10.Axel aka "Dark_Avis"FToulouseGalactic Empire
11.Rudy aka "Oudini"FToulouseGalactic Empire
12.Emmanuel aka "ManuP"FBlagnacRebel Alliance
13.(unkown)Rebel Alliance
14.(unkown)Rebel Alliance
15.Nadoniel aka "Nadoniel"FToulouseRebel Alliance
16.(unkown)Rebel Alliance
17.(unkown)Rebel Alliance
18.(unkown)Galactic Empire
19.(unkown)Rebel Alliance
20.(unkown)Galactic Empire
21.(unkown)Rebel Alliance
22.(unkown)Galactic Empire
23.Loic aka "exodius06"FCannes La BoccaRebel Alliance
24.(unkown)Rebel Alliance
25.Lotard F.FToulonGalactic Empire
26.Jean-François aka "Quentaro"FToulouseRebel Alliance
27.Lotard P.FToulonRebel Alliance
28.(unkown)Rebel Alliance
29.(unkown)Rebel Alliance
30.(unkown)Rebel Alliance
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