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ETR - Tournament Results - HTL - Tabletop-Mania Tagesturnier 2017

1.Tim aka "Timjey"DRellingenThe Army of Lake-town
2.Andreas aka "Ahmos"DHamburgMordor
3.Janosch aka "LittleJohn1001"DHamburgDesolator of the North
4.Pascal aka "TraderJoe"DRellingenAzog's Hunters
5.Christoph aka "diogines"DBremenDol Guldur
6.Jan aka "Edgelord"DLüneburgThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
7.Bastian aka "Bregonar"DHamelnMordor
8.Tobias aka "Linkin"DBremerhavenMoria
9.Pascal aka "Vize"DLippstadtAngmar
10.Fabian aka "FR1510"DDülmenAngmar
11.Philipp aka "DurinI"DHenstedt-UlzburgGarrison of Dale
12.Jasmin aka "Alatariel"DGnarrenburgIsengard
13.Dennis aka "Drakaria"DHamburgMoria
14.Mario aka "Dunst"DHamburgMoria
15.Lukas aka "Luk-galad"DBremerhavenEregion and Rivendell
16.Max aka "Max87"DBeckum
17.Marc aka "Lyhrex"DGnarrenburgKhandish Mercenaries
18.Tomek aka "Zuboku"DHamburgThe Tower of Ecthelion
19.Tobias aka "TB95"DLüdinghausenThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
20.Michael aka "Mick_the_Monkey"DButjadingenThe Fellowship
21.Tim aka "Timboss"DBremerhavenThe Wizards
22.Jonas aka "Thorgas"DWilhelmshavenArnor
23.Philipp aka "Radagast1"BührenAngmar
24.Maximilian aka "Maexem"DBremerhavenThe Legions of the White Hand
25.Marcel aka "m3tus"DHamburgKhazad-dûm
26.Marie aka "eiram"DGöttingenThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
27.Nicolas aka "NiRo"DGöttingenAngmar
28.Walter aka "GoblinGobbo"DBremerhavenMoria
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