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ETR - Tournament Results - Age of Waaagh Taverne #11 - Team 2 X 1000 points

1.Esprit ludique
Philippe aka "sam"FVERSAILLESWarherds
Guillaume aka "Sarhantai"FVillejuifGrand Alliance Destruction
2.L'esprit pas ludique
David aka "Xandary"FGuyancourtMoonclan Grots
Christophe aka "salchr"FVersaillesLegions of Nagash
Alex aka "Valfiro"FFontenay-Aux-RosesBeasts of Chaos
Antoine aka "Pizza-de-Tzeentch"FMaison AlfortGrand Alliance Chaos
Michael aka "Miladin"FParisLegions of Nagash
Jbdeb aka "Arthenon"FParisLegions of Nagash
5.Les Rats Bougris
Luce aka "Arlus"FParisMaggotkin of Nurgle
Clément aka "Yasha"FChevilly-LarueClans Pestilens
6.Haches sanglantes
Amaury aka "Big_Maury"FParis 05Grand Alliance Chaos
Joris aka "Balrogue"FColombesIronjawz
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