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NTRv3.0 Belgium - Warhammer 40K Place 378 - Adrien aka "Corback" from POurem

Adrien made following placements at W40K-tournaments in Belgium...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
13Hammer and Bolter: Warhammer 40.000B7800 AthChaos Space Marines2020-02-0994843.17%+0%2.3224%0.56
2Tower Conquest 40K 3ème édition - Equipes de 4 - TeamB7800 AthOrks2019-02-2440611.78%+4%0.9722%0.21
7Convention Happy Dés 2019 - 2 vs 2 Dimanche - TeamB7000 MonsOrks2019-06-3038602.38%+0%0.9420%0.19
19Tower Conquest 40K 4ème EditionB7800 AthOrks2019-09-2940612.38%+0%0.7818%0.14
16Convention Happy Dés 2019 - 1 vs 1 SamediB7000 MonsOrks2019-06-2928522.38%+0%0.5516%0.09
More tournaments:
2Convention Happy Day 1 VS 1 SamediB7000 MonsBlack Legion2018-06-3029531%+0%0.51--
8Convention Happy Day 2 VS 2 Dimanche - TeamB7000 MonsBlack Legion2018-07-0134571%+0%0.32--
1Esprit joueur 2016 - Dimanche - Tournoi 2 VS 2 - TeamB7000 MonsEldar2016-06-2640610.24%+10%0.16--
1Belgica Prime, Hiver 2016, Samedi 1 VS 1B7387 Montignies-Sur-RocEldar2016-03-1232550.24%+20%0.16--
3Esprit joueur 2016 - Samedi - Tournoi 1 VS 1B7000 MonsEldar2016-06-2533560.24%+0%0.12--
1Belgica Prime, Automne 2015, Dimanche 2 VS 2 - TeamB7387 Montignies-Sur-RocEldar2015-11-0842630.18%+10%0.12--
8Belgica Prime, Hiver 2016, Dimanche 2 VS 2 - TeamB7387 Montignies-Sur-RocEldar2016-03-1334580.24%+0%0.08--
3Belgica Prime, Automne 2015, Samedi 1 VS 1B7387 Montignies-Sur-RocEldar2015-11-0721440.18%+0%0.07--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 50. Place in the TOW-ranking of FFrance
* 119. Place in the SWL-ranking of FFrance
* 1056. Place in the W40K-ranking of FFrance
* 118. Place in the TOW-ranking of Europe
* 229. Place in the SWL-ranking of Europe
* 3735. Place in the W40K-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* Belgica Prime, Hiver 2016, Samedi 1 VS 1: player-award-bestgeneralBest General
* Esprit joueur 2016 - Dimanche - Tournoi 2 VS 2: player-award-bestgeneralBest General
* Tower Conquest 40K 3ème édition - Equipes de 4: player-award-bestgeneralBest General
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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