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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Strasswars VI - Revenge of StrassWars

1.Djordje aka "13th_Warrior"FStrasbourgRebel Alliance
2.Loan aka "Rekans"FRelecq KerhuonGalactic Republic
3.Andrew aka "Le_Chancelier"FToulouseSeparatist Alliance
4.Timo aka "Coryn"DBuseckScum and Villainy
5.Georges aka "Swoulf"FOstwaldGalactic Republic
6.Florent aka "Gundrek"FKurtzenhouseRebel Alliance
7.David B.DKandelScum and Villainy
8.Max aka "Artaban"FWintzenheimScum and Villainy
9.Gab aka "Dundee"FLa RochelleFirst Order
10.Andreas aka "anbalda"DKandelGalactic Empire
11.Bastien aka "Akrythael"FCOLMARRebel Alliance
12.Gregory aka "Maeruin"FStrasbourgGalactic Empire
13.Christian aka "Frag67"FWesthouseFirst Order
14.Maxime aka "SpiderMax"FOstwaldGalactic Empire
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