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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - BàC Wars Légion 3

1.Sebastien aka "sloops2"FLe HavreSeparatists
2.Alexandre aka "Con_sans_Gains"FBourg-achardShadow Collective
3.Pierre aka "ptit_pierre"FRouenRebels
4.Martial aka "Rangers_mar"FHavreGalactic Republic
5.Romain aka "Allumette"FSenonchesGalactic Republic
6.Alexandre aka "Arkka"FLe Thuit SimerRebels
7.Sébastien aka "Sebleg"FLe TraitGalactic Republic
8.Baptiste aka "Bachelkana"FSotteville-Lès-RouenEmpire
9.Maxime aka "MaximeLeBarbare"FArpajonSeparatists
10.Sébastien aka "MetalBeerSolid"FL'Haÿ Les RosesShadow Collective
11.Martin aka "Nosho7"FRouenRebels
12.Grégory aka "Greguef"FLe HavreGalactic Republic
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