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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Iron Taverne V - par équipe de 3 joueurs

1.Ludoboyz and the Italian dandy
Emiliano aka "BernieLomax"IParisLegion of Everblight
Victor aka "Tec"FBoulogne-BillancourtTrollblood
Guillaume aka "Philogneus"FParisLegion of Everblight
2.FBJ soleil rouge
Maxime aka "Cesarius"FVélizyThe Circle Orboros
Jean-Loup aka "Largoo"FMeudonTrollblood
Guillaume aka "Khaelein"FVanvesCryx
Fabien aka "Kurogami"FChâtillonCryx
Mathieu aka "Boneblade"FLe Perray En YvelinesLegion of Everblight
Didier aka "Riowen"FGuyancourtCygnar
4.Old Dirty Bastards
Stéphane aka "Leader9-1"FParisKhador
Eddy aka "mamoru"FParisCryx
Vincent aka "carcous"FRémire MontjolyLegion of Everblight
5.Dernier Bar
Thierry aka "Thorqu"FLongjumeauThe Circle Orboros
Vincent aka "Pim"FMassyCryx
. aka "Dom"F.Protectorate of Menoth
6.FBJ Steel & Magic
Fabrice aka "Babnik"FJoinville le PontLegion of Everblight
Roberto aka "meta"FrobervilleKhador
Jean-Brice aka "Blackbiji"FParisThe Skorne
Erikson aka "Komikaz"FParisThe Skorne
Julien aka "Skreet"FMorangisCygnar
Benjamin aka "kroqmaster"FParisThe Circle Orboros
8.Waaagh's Grunts
Fantome aka "fantome"FParisKhador
Jerome aka "Iria"FAntonyMercenaries
Yeong Ha aka "ThenoHead119"FParisCygnar
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