BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION :2.0 X-WR-CALNAME :T³-Turniere PRODID :-// v1.6//DE X-WR-TIMEZONE :Europe/Berlin METHOD :PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID CLASS :PUBLIC STATUS :CONFIRMED SUMMARY :Lëtz play AOS in team III DESCRIPTION :20 teams of 5\n2000 points\n\nWe will use tourneykeeper for pairing: \n /7362\n\nThere is one spot left. LOCATION :Luxembourg CATEGORIES :Turniere URL : DTSTART :20241214T080000 DTEND :20241215T173000 DTSTAMP :20241112T001822 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID CLASS :PUBLIC STATUS :CONFIRMED SUMMARY :Lëtz play AOS in team IV DESCRIPTION :Mark the date in your diary for the 4th edition of our tourn ament. The date is confirmed. LOCATION :Luxembourg CATEGORIES :Turniere URL : DTSTART :20251213T090000 DTEND :20251214T173000 DTSTAMP :20241030T213952 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR