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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Univers kids Troyes 7ème édition (500 points - 4 matchs)

1.François aka "ledragonaute"FLa Chapelle Saint LucEmpire
2.Guillaume aka "Bragor"FOrmesGalactic Republic
3.Johann aka "Esgann"FLusigny-sur-BarseEmpire
4.David aka "grandada73"FRouilly-SaceyEmpire
5.Antoine aka "navilagua"FCléreyGalactic Republic
6.Eliot aka "Arbalight"FRosières-Prés-TroyesSeparatists
7.Florent aka "Orion23"FMousseySeparatists
8.Elodie aka "Ambre89"FSainte SavineGalactic Republic
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