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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Star Wars X-Wing AVRIL @L'Autre Monde Format standard

1.Bruno aka "Rhen"FSaint Amand Les EauxScum and Villainy
2.Laurent aka "Auramagma"BHognoulScum and Villainy
3.Fabien aka "djidy"BWaimesRebel Alliance
4.Olivier aka "bong"BLiègeGalactic Empire
5.Jérôme aka "jerome5555"BNandrinGalactic Empire
6.Marcel aka "Totoro"NLNeeritterRebel Alliance
7.Antoine aka "AntoineH05"BBastogneRebel Alliance
8.Florence aka "TentacleLady"BLiègeScum and Villainy
9.Mathias aka "IKEDRAGNEEL"BAmayRebel Alliance
10.Eric aka "Fleche"BHerstalGalactic Empire
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