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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Pro Beatdown 2

1.Christoph aka "SuperNanento46"DSt. IngbertTrollblood
2.Bernhard aka "bnf"DHeidelbergThe Circle Orboros
3.Christoph aka "Luckeh"DLeonbergThe Skorne
4.(anonym)Protectorate of Menoth
5.Tino aka "PalaTin"DBWMercenaries
6.Steve aka "Ariez_Obann"DAlthengstettThe Circle Orboros
7.Henry aka "Naggaroth"DLudwigsburgMinions
8.Joachim aka "Mootaz"DSchiffweilerProtectorate of Menoth
9.Andreas aka "GadrAl"DBrackenheimLegion of Everblight
10.Daniel aka "Langnese"DStuttgartProtectorate of Menoth
11.Daniel aka "darkor"DStuttgartCryx
12.Klaus aka "sankt-klaus"DBenningenKhador
13.Sebastian aka "MassenvernichtungsAffe"DSaarbrückenThe Circle Orboros
14.Steve aka "sanquinius"DMarkgröningenRetribution of Scyrah
15.Hans Jörg aka "Hajo"DFellbachProtectorate of Menoth
16.Markus aka "Wallister"DLudwigsburgCygnar
17.Sascha aka "oger"DCalw- AlthengstettCygnar
18.David aka "Caldoon"DLudwigsburgCygnar
19.Tobias aka "pewpew"DRemseck am NeckarThe Skorne
20.Rainer aka "ragme"DDitzingenMinions
21.Philip aka "Post-it"DStuttgartThe Circle Orboros
22.Björn aka "Entrac"DSaarbrückenConvergence of Cyriss
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