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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Grand Marteau LCDT du 24-SEP-2005

1.Arthur aka "Eldreth"B
2.Bernard M.B
3.Alexis aka "alexane"B
5.Joachim aka "keya"BWavre
6.Patrick W.B
7.Patrick aka "mightydwarf"B
9.Colin D.B
10.Adrien G.B
11.Dimitri aka "dimi"B
12.Christophe aka "Aktair"
13.Christophe C.
14.Julien aka "Jujurukhai"BBruxelles
15.Marc aka "Asarnil"BBruxelles
16.François aka "demotar"
17.Mathieu aka "le_gob_flamboyant"Bruxelles
18.Didier aka "ludwing"B
19.Jean-Christophe aka "ducfeanor"B
20.Pascal G.B
21.Laurent H.B
22.Mathieu A.B
23.Emmanuel aka "Mim"
24.Dimitri I.B
25.John H.B
26.Nicolas D.B
27.Thomas aka "Furion"B
28.Mathieu S.B
29.Sébastien aka "jabberwock"Fpelousey
30.Geoffrey S.B
Tournament recorded by Gandalf at 2006-07-26 12:30.
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