T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Pousseurs de mogettes

1.Pierre Arnauld aka "connetable_pa"FLe VésinetKhador
2.Jonathan aka "Pickouette"FChâteaudunTrollblood
3.Nicolas aka "Xeti"FSuresnesCryx
4.Damien aka "Tinkou"FAsnières-sur-SeineRetribution of Scyrah
5.Victor aka "Tec"FBoulogne-BillancourtTrollblood
6.Thomas aka "Balthazar1er"FAngersThe Skorne
7.Christophe aka "vitzerai"FAngersRetribution of Scyrah
8.Guillaume aka "Jack53"FLavalCygnar
9.Julien aka "Gamin"FQuerqueville CherbourgThe Circle Orboros
10.Quentin aka "Aspha"FParisKhador
11.Mathieu aka "Scorpion-"FLavalThe Circle Orboros
12.Rémy aka "Shoofshoof"FCommequiersThe Skorne
13.Christophe aka "skyller"FLe boupèreLegion of Everblight
14.Kevin aka "Woodchuck"FLa Roche Sur YonMercenaries
15.David aka "snotling"FLa Roche Sur YonMercenaries
16.Gilles aka "Vladbrok"FLes Sables D'olonneKhador
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