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Game Systems - 2015 |
2015-12-04 15:00 Warhammer and The 9th Age
A lot of you may have noticed this already: Whilst Games Workshiop has started the Age of Sigmar a lot of Warhammer fans, fans who like fantasy styled rank and file battles, don't like the new direction. Some groups of real enthusiasts started to work on their own rules. Although there are several custom rule packs for the old 8th Edition of Warhammer nowadays, one group has gone straight through the roof: Instead of modifying the rules, they basically started from scratch and they started the 9th Age of Warhammer gaming. To be on the safe side they dropped any names GW has copyrighted. With its custom lore the game is now known as "Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age".
Therefore you can find the game under this name as a separate entry on T³. If you're running a Warhammer event with the 9th Age rules, be sure to choose the proper game system or contact an admin and ask to change it for you. All registrations will be mapped to the new army choices in this process.
Links: * The official 9th Age website * The 9th Age on T³
2015-07-03 09:31 Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Update
Just a short note: Depending on what Games Workshop will release in the next days on Warhammer and Age of Sigmar, we'll split those into two separate game system. Please give us a couple of days to react on those ground breaking changes.
Update: We just added Warhammer Age of Sigmar as a new game system. Based on the preview rules this was the best decision we could make. We'll keep an eye on the topic.
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