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ETR Europe - Warhammer Fantasy Battles Place 213 - Alex aka "K-OS" from NLSluis

Alex made following placements at WHFB-tournaments in Europe...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
2Tournoi d'Ebène WarhammerB7800 AthChaos Warriors2015-11-0834570.18%+15%0.1124%0.03
4Troisième tournoi en 3 vs 3 des Séides d'Aazarh - TeamB1348 Louvain-La-NeuveChaos Warriors2015-12-1330530.18%+0%0.0622%0.01
3Nieuwjaarstoernooi Hired Guns 2015NL5403 Uden2015-01-0444640.1%+0%0.0620%0.01
1Challenge 9 - Warhammer FantasyB8800 BeverenChaos Warriors2014-10-0537600.08%+20%0.0518%0.01
2Fratres lupus battle 6B5020 ChampionChaos Warriors2014-12-1424480.1%+0%0.0516%0.01
More tournaments:
4Dutch Grand Tournament 2014NL5037ET Tilburg2014-10-2642630.08%+0%0.04--
10Challenge 10 - Warhammer fantasyB8800 RoeselareChaos Warriors2015-09-1924480.13%+0%0.04--
1614th Conflict FantasyB3200 AarschotLegion of Azgorh2015-04-1938600.1%+0%0.04--
113th Conflict FantasyB3200 AarschotDwarfs2014-05-0328520.06%+20%0.04--
4Tournoi Battle par équipe de 3 des Séides d Aazarh - TeamB1348 Louvain-La-NeuveDwarfs2014-04-2760720.06%+0%0.03--
4Tournoi Warhammer de la Tour d EbèneB7800 AthChaos Dwarfs2014-03-0242630.06%+0%0.03--
20Tournoi Battle en Simple des Séides de AazarhB1348 Louvain-La-NeuveChaos Warriors2014-11-1650670.08%+0%0.03--
4CONQUEST 2014B9200 DendermondeChaos Dwarfs2014-03-2332550.06%+0%0.03--
182ème Tournoi Warhammer de la Tour d'EbèneB7800 AthDwarfs2014-06-2950670.06%+0%0.02--
10Big Berserker BrawlB1500 HalleChaos Dwarfs2014-02-1534570.06%+0%0.02--
3Challenge VIII fantasyB8800 BeverenChaos Dwarfs2013-09-2936580.04%+0%0.02--
21Tournoi End of times d'ébènesB7800 AthChaos Warriors2015-03-2934570.1%+0%0.02--
13Dutch Grand Tournament 2013NL5038 Tilburg2013-10-2744640.04%+0%0.02--
3XIVième tournoi de la tour d'ébène - TeamB7800 AthDwarfs2013-06-3048660.03%+0%0.02--
112th Conflict fantasyB3200 GelrodeChaos Dwarfs2013-04-1346650.02%+20%0.02--
9Art of WargamingNL2312 Leiden2013-09-2932550.04%+0%0.02--
5Conquest 2013B9200 DendermondeChaos Dwarfs2013-03-2434570.02%+0%0.01--
5Challenge 7 - Warhammer FantasyB8800 Beveren (Roeselare)Daemons of Chaos2012-10-0756700.02%+0%0.01--
5Fratres Battle Chapitre 4B5020 ChampionDwarfs2013-07-2822450.03%+0%0.01--
10Tournoi des Champions Eternels des Séides d'Aazarh V3B1348 Louvain-La-NeuveChaos Dwarfs2013-03-0334570.02%+0%0.01--
6Tournoi Compagnie Ardente 2012 par équipes de 2 Battle - TeamB4000 LiegeDaemons of Chaos2012-05-0666750.01%+0%0.01--
3Dice Day 2012B3010 Kessel LoDaemons of Chaos2012-03-2538600.01%+0%0.01--
5Conquest 2012B9200 DendermondeDaemons of Chaos2012-03-1038600.01%+0%0.01--
711th CONFLICT FANTASYB3200 GelrodeDaemons of Chaos2012-04-2134570.01%+0%0.01--
4TEAM BELGIUM ETC WARMUPB3500 HasseltDwarfs2015-07-266110.13%+0%0.01--
4Tournoi des Diables Noirs 2e EditionB7012 FlénuDaemons of Chaos2012-09-2317390.02%+0%0.01--
8End of Year 2012 - FantasyNL6043 Roermond2012-12-2318400.02%+0%0.01--
9Challenge 6 [WHFB]B8800 Roeselare2011-10-0244640.01%+0%0.01--
22fratres lupus battle 5B5020 ChampionDwarfs2014-01-1928520.04%+0%0.00--
13XIième tournoi de la tour d'ébèneB7800 AthDaemons of Chaos2011-10-3046650.01%+0%0.00--
9Fanatic Leiden 2011 - Warhammer FantasyNL2312 Leiden2011-11-1236580.01%+0%0.00--
6Tournoi Compagnie ardente battle 2011 - TeamB4000 LiegeDaemons of Chaos2011-04-1050670.01%+0%0.00--
7Dice Day 2011B3010 Kessel LoChaos Dwarfs2011-04-2438600.01%+0%0.00--
2End Of Year 2011 - FantasyNL6043 Roermond2011-12-1818400.01%+0%0.00--
8Xième tournoi de la tour d'ébèneB7800 AthDaemons of Chaos2011-06-2635580.01%+0%0.00--
26Nieuwjaarstoernooi Hired Guns 2013NL5403 UdenDwarfs2013-01-0634570.02%+0%0.00--
7Dutch Grand Tournament 2011NL5000 Tilburg2011-01-2348660.01%+0%0.00--
23FULL TILT 9B3920 Lommel2011-02-2070760.01%+0%0.00--
17Dice Day 2013B3010 Kesse LoChaos Dwarfs2013-12-0720430.04%+0%0.00--
2Club Championships Fantasy 2010 - TeamB3010 Kessel LoChaos Dwarfs2010-07-2554750%+3%0.00--
3Tournoi Fratres Lupus 1 (2010)B5000 Champion (Namur)Daemons of Chaos2010-07-1136580%+0%0.00--
22Grand Tournament WHFB 2010NL5037 Tilburg2010-06-2861730%+0%0.00--
36FULL TILT 8B3980 Tessenderlo2010-02-07112850%+0%0.00--
10tournoi de la Légion brainoiseB1480 TubizeChaos Warriors2010-09-2635580%+0%0.00--
21ere tournoi Battle du Centre Hobby Games Workshop de Bruxelles - TeamB1000 BruxellesDaemons of Chaos2011-03-1216370.01%+0%0.00--
16tournoi battle festival du jeu 2010B1490 Court-St-EtienneChaos Warriors2010-11-2833560.01%+0%0.00--
9DICE DAY 2010B3010 Kessel Lo2010-03-2842630%+0%0.00--
19Challenge V part IIIB8800 Beveren2010-10-0344640%+0%0.00--
11CHALLENGE 4B8800 Roeselare2009-10-0464740%+0%0.00--
6Hired Guns 2011NL5403 Uden2011-01-0916370.01%+0%0.00--
17OLD WORLDE IIB8400 Oostende2009-11-1554690%+0%0.00--
18IXième tournoi de la tour d'ébèneB7800 AthChaos Warriors2010-12-1228520.01%+0%0.00--
17The Green Knight Tournament 2009B8200 St.-Michiels (Brugge)2009-08-2250670%+0%0.00--
6Knights of Bayard 7B9200 Dendermonde2009-08-0144640%+0%0.00--
12WAR OF THE BEARD 09B2940 Hoevenen2009-04-1842630%+0%0.00--
13Hired Guns 8th ed WHFBNL5403 Uden2010-09-0622450%+0%0.00--
35FULL TILT 7B3970 Leopoldsburg2009-02-01120850%+0%0.00--
28Hired Guns 2010NL5403 Uden2010-01-0343630%+0%0.00--
9CHALLENGE 3B8800 Roeselare2008-10-1244640%+0%0.00--
11Old Worlde Ranking Tournament 2008B8400 Oostende2008-11-2348660%+0%0.00--
6End of Year 2008 - FantasyNL6043 Roermond2008-12-2138600%+0%0.00--
13Conquest 2010B9200 Dendermonde2010-07-3120430%+0%0.00--
1Knights of Bayard 6B9200 Dendermonde2008-08-0232550%+20%0.00--
228th ConflictB3200 Gelrode2009-04-2648660%+0%0.00--
23End Of Year 2009 - FantasyNL6043 Roermond2009-12-1940610%+0%0.00--
31Fanatic Leiden 2010NL2316GB Leiden2010-10-0940610%+0%0.00--
7The Green Knight Tournament 2008B8200 St.-Michiels (Brugge)2008-08-2348660%+0%0.00--
4Thunderbolts Open WHFB KerstToernooiB9000 Gent2009-12-1312300%+0%0.00--
16BRUSSELS TROLL SLAYERS VIB1083 GanshorenDaemons of Chaos2008-09-0652680%+0%0.00--
87th ConflictB3200 Aarschot2008-04-1354690%+0%0.00--
29Grand Tournament WHFB 2008NL5037 Tilburg2008-06-2269760%+0%0.00--
45FULL TILT 6B3970 Leopoldsburg2008-02-10116850%+0%0.00--
16Hired Guns 2009NL5403 Uden2009-01-0432550%+0%0.00--
33WAR OF THE BEARD 10B2940 Hoevenen2010-04-1738600%+0%0.00--
8Leeuwarden Fantasy 2008NL8911 Leeuwarden2008-11-0912300%+0%0.00--
25Fanatic Bruges 2007B8000 Bruges2007-11-0440610%+0%0.00--
30CONFLICT 6B3200 Aarschot2007-04-2250670%+0%0.00--
27Tournoi European Games WorldB1082 Berchem-Sainte-Agathe2005-10-0830530%+0%0.00--
Additional ETR-placements:
* 299. Place in the WAoS-ranking of Europe
* 2. Place in the WHFB-ranking of NLNetherlands
* 3. Place in the WHFB-ranking of BBelgium
* 43. Place in the WAoS-ranking of BBelgium
* 128. Place in the WAoS-ranking of LLuxembourg
* 223. Place in the WAoS-ranking of FFrance
Player's awards:
* Tournoi Fratres Lupus 1 (2010): player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
* Conquest 2012: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Best Brewery Player 2
* Dice Day 2013: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
* Tournoi Warhammer de la Tour d Ebène: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
* Tournoi End of times d'ébènes: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
* TEAM BELGIUM ETC WARMUP: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - OLD GRUMBLER
* Tournoi d'Ebène Warhammer: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
EP = valued ETR-Points

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