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ETR Europe - Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Place 56 - Tobias aka "Caldan" from DLandsberg

Tobias made following placements at LotR-tournaments in Europe...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
156. Berliner MeisterschaftD10245 BerlinRivendell2024-11-245871100%+0%53.5624%12.85
2Das 5. Ringlein im SachsenvereinD04315 LeipzigRivendell2024-11-022245100%+0%42.8622%9.43
9HTL - 7. Bayerische Mittelerde Tabletop MeisterschaftD85221 DachauThe Dead of Dunharrow2024-03-17908356.25%+0%42.4920%8.50
588. Bayerische Mittelerde Tabletop MeisterschaftD85221 DachauThéoden's Host2025-03-029484100%+0%32.5218%5.85
10Khazads Kurze kippen Kümmel 2024 - TeamD18055 RostockThéoden's Host2024-08-11446475%+0%27.3516%4.38
More tournaments:
85. Berliner MeisterschaftD10245 BerlinGuardians of the Carrock2023-11-12506742.19%+0%24.23--
4Das 4. Ringlein im SachsenvereinD04315 LeipzigThéoden's Host2024-05-25163775%+0%22.20--
24. HallunkenfestD06110 HalleAzog's Hunters2023-01-14406123.73%+15%16.22--
8Khazads Kurze kippen Kümmel 2023 - TeamD18055 RostockThe Dwellers Below2023-07-30406142.19%+0%16.17--
72. Spandauer KnüppelkriegD13593 BerlinThéoden's Host2023-10-28163742.19%+0%9.37--
37Hamburger Meisterschaft 2024D22309 HamburgThéoden's Host2024-07-07446475%+0%7.81--
68HTL - 6. Bayerische Mittelerde Tabletop Meisterschaft 2023D85221 DachauThe Wanderers in the Wild2023-04-02948431.64%+0%7.43--
362. Fränkische Meisterschaft auf der PlassenburgD95326 KulmbachAzog's Hunters2023-11-19486642.19%+0%7.11--
42Rheinische Meisterschaft 2023D74081 HeilbronnThe Wizards2023-09-10526842.19%+0%5.63--
131. Deutsche Team Championship im Mittelerde-Tabletop - TeamD68542 HeddesheimThéoden's Host2024-06-02567075%+0%5.25--
19HallunkensommercampD06193 Wettin-LöbejünAzog's Hunters2024-08-24224575%+0%4.82--
53. Hallunkenfest - TeamD06114 Halle/SaaleThéoden's Host2022-05-14204317.8%+0%4.23--
70HTL-Deutsche Meisterschaft 2022D22457 HamburgThéoden's Host2022-09-18868123.73%+0%3.62--
192. Lychener TabletopturnierD17279 LychenVariags of Khand2023-05-13224531.64%+0%2.03--
7HTU - Die Schlacht der vier Heere - TeamD31180 AhrbergenErebor2020-03-0136583.17%+0%1.18--
10Hallunken FestD06110 Halle/SaaleIsengard2019-01-1220431.78%+0%0.40--
182. HallunkenfestD06110 HalleThéoden's Host2020-01-1124483.17%+0%0.40--
Additional ETR-placements:
* 100. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
* 52. Place in the LotR-ranking of DGermany
* 100. Place in the WHFB-ranking of DGermany
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
EP = valued ETR-Points

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