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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - SFJ: Tournoi en 3 séances

1.Lucas aka "lsmassa"FCourbevoieThe Nazgûl
1.Guillaume aka "Elladan"FConflans Ste HonorineErebor
3.Yohan aka "Bidule"BLiègeKhazad-dûm
4.Igor aka "Igor"FAthis-MonsFar Harad
5.David aka "Barbouille"FCormeilles En ParisisThe Black Gate
6.Thierry aka "Folifoot"FHouillesKhazad-dûm
7.Emmanuel aka "EMMLEF"FSartrouvilleLothlórien
7.Frederic aka "aigle-4"FSartrouvilleKhazad-dûm
7.Benoît aka "Ben-95"FErmontIsengard
10.Guillaume aka "fecoa"FSartrouvilleThe Legions of the White Hand
11.Tristan aka "telrunya"FConflans Sainte HonorineKhazad-dûm
12.Armand aka "hoelyann"FHouillesThe Legions of the White Hand
13.Nicolas aka "nicoleblond"FMarinesLothlórien
13.(anonym)Minas Tirith
15.Antoine aka "Murdoc"FSartrouvilleThe Fiefdoms
16.Jean Baptiste aka "Jeanbapt"FSceauxErebor
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