NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - 1. TTS Journeyman Cup
Placement | Name | Origin | Army |
1. | David aka "AdmiralNelson" | Berlin | Khador |
2. | David aka "Nokobuku" | Leipzig | Legion of Everblight |
3. | (anonym) | | Cygnar |
4. | Jens aka "Kolash" | Halle | Legion of Everblight |
5. | Stephan aka "Killerpin" | Leipzig | Retribution of Scyrah |
6. | Nick aka "Pithlit" | Dresden | Retribution of Scyrah |
7. | Julian aka "Gluttony" | Dresden | Cryx |
8. | (anonym) | | Trollblood |
9. | Christian aka "GiganteICE" | Leipzig | The Circle Orboros |
10. | Philip aka "ankmarphi" | Weinböhla | Protectorate of Menoth |