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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - X-Wing meets V-Con (40 Jahre Star Wars)

1.Philippe aka "MaitreGo"FSchiltigheimGalactic Empire
2.Lionel aka "Messala"FSchiltigheimGalactic Empire
3.Manuel aka "mePanda"DFreiburg Im BreisgauRebel Alliance
4.Tobias aka "FreeBird"DKonstanzRebel Alliance
5.Florian aka "DoltharSodjath"CHSchaffhausenRebel Alliance
6.Jens aka "Halcyon"DFreiburgScum and Villainy
7.Oliver aka "Gariel"DSchefflenzGalactic Empire
8.Nicolas aka "Lt_Gaga"DKonstanzScum and Villainy
9.Konstantin aka "Staubitz"CHBaselScum and Villainy
10.Harald aka "Hardrider"DAglasterhausenScum and Villainy
11.Elias aka "DarthElDoSch"DDonaueschingenGalactic Empire
12.Leonard aka "D4rk_4ng3l"DFreiburg im BreisgauRebel Alliance
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